The 9 billion broiler chickens raised in the U.S. annually, 3 billion in the southeast alone, produce 14 million tons of poultry litter.

Uncontrolled poultry litter can release excess nutrients and harmful pathogens into the soil and local waterways, creating harmful algal blooms and contaminating food supplies.

Transportation is responsible for over 30 percent of the NOx and CO pollutants in Georgia, which harms air quality and can be deadly for aquatic wildlife.

Ozone or smog formation in the southeastern U.S. is driven by NOx emissions, which can harm sensitive vegetation and create “heat islands”, a leading cause of asthma and heat strokes.
The Solution:
To help solve these issues, CleanCoast Renewables LLC is developing a portfolio of bioconversion facilities that will use field-proven anaerobic digestion and nutrient recovery technologies to divert poultry litter from the waste stream and convert it into RNG and organic fertilizer.
At full capacity, each facility can recycle more than 150,000 tons of poultry litter each year into:

Providing farmers with an organic, slow-release fertilizer with added humic acid to address overall soil health and relieve nitrate and phosphorus runoff.

Providing the community with enough renewable energy to fully charge nearly 6 million electric cars each year.
Our powerful solution to reduce air, soil and water pollution is sustained by a robust economic model:

Air Quality: At full capacity, the clean energy produced at each facility will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 1,000,000 tons of CO2 equivalent annually, which equates to taking 217,480 passenger vehicles off the road each year.

Private Investment: Increased local and state tax base through capital investment of $450 million per full capacity facility.

Renewable Fuel: Long term sustainable source of renewable transportation fuels that will provide a substantial reduction in climate pollutants.

Economic Development: Each facility will create 26 new high-paying full-time jobs in the area per full capacity facility, in addition to hundreds of indirect jobs in construction and supply-chain needs

Agriculture: Enhancing local farming and food operations environmental efforts by providing a sustainable, circular solution for their byproducts.
If you would like more information about what we do, please contact us using the button below.